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大阪学院大学生がアメリカ人学生と英語で国際交流~Art and Memory~

0 名前:名無しさん:2005/03/29 05:16
Art and Memory
a collaborative project with Molokai High School, Osaka Gakuin University...and the world

Presentation Proposal for "Pearl Harbor Remembered" Video Conference, sponsored by the Texas Education Telecommunications Network:

This project and presentation explores the theme of art and memory.
Our students will share their exploration, via the range of artistic expression--their own and that of "published" artists--the role of art in man's ability and attempts to remember...and learn...from the tragedy of war.

Our Molokai participants are focusing on art and history and economy.
Our Japan participants from Osaka Gakuin, on monuments of war--words of wisdom about war and loss of lives--a combination of literary and artistic expression.
And our Moanalua students will reflect on poetry and song and architecture as artistic response to the different wars of our country.

We hope to provoke thought and discussion about connections between the arts and historical events and the hearts and minds of those who lived through them.
We hope to extend our understanding into how they relate to the current generation and the global conflicts that they face.


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