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The Thread in ONLY English

0 名前:Mike ◆pNGrWgJI:2004/07/24 06:56
Don't use Japanese character or Chinese character in this thread.
But in the case you teach English for a person who use wrong English,
you can use the character you like!
You can talk freely in English.
1 名前:NO NAME:2004/07/24 06:57
2 名前:NO NAME:2004/07/24 06:59
NOT "2げっと" BUT "2get", you should write!!
Read carefully messages >>0 wrote!!
3 名前:NO NAME:2004/07/24 07:07
How many persons are you?
Those who make English the native language
will not speak Japanese, when it comes
for sightseeing to Japan.
It is not going to study Japanese.
doesn't a bulletin board use Japanese, either?
those who make English the native language
have many egocentric people too it is it is .
Of course, I who have said like this am a Japanese.
4 名前:NO NAME:2004/07/24 07:47
5 名前:NO NAME:2004/07/26 12:37
Howdy a nut!!
6 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/04 10:52
What is spoken "SEXをする" in English?
7 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/04 15:07
Make love
8 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/04 15:07
go to bed
9 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/04 22:24
play sex
10 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/06 04:04
make love w/z SOMEONE
11 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/06 16:49
hey why r u guys tring 2 use english even though u can't speak at all?
and if u wanna know how to say 『セックスをする』in english,why don't u look up in a dictionary by your self dum little fella?
12 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/06 16:50
13 名前:NO NAME:2004/08/08 15:50
おい、たとえuが少しでも話すことができなくても、なぜ2をtringするr uガイはenglishを使用します?ゥ。またu wannaが『セックスをする』in englishと言う方法を知っている場合に、uして、あなたの自己dumによって辞書の中で見上げる、小さな奴?

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