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赤毛のアン ★日本語訳★

0 名前:あずさ:2006/07/29 09:29
Marilla looked for the brooch once again
all over the room,but in vain.
She came back to the kitchen.
“Anne,the brooch is gone.
You were the last person to touch it.
Please tell me the truth.
Did you take it out and lose it?”
“No,I did not.”
“I do not want to believe that you are telling a lie.
But if you do not tell the truth,
I have to say that you cannot go out until
you are ready to confess. ”
Mrilla went to her rooom again to look for the brooch,
but she could not find it.
Around nine o’clock,Marilla came to Anne’s room.
She asked Anne the same question once more,
but Anne denied firmly that she knew anything about the
She said,“I’m sure that I put it back on the bureau.”

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