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English-only room

0 名前:Mejiro-Fan:2004/08/03 07:53
Dear readers,

As I hinted the possibility at No.40 in the thread “笑える出来事交換”,
I would like to open a English-only room, inviting both Japanese and non-Japanese participants.
The objective of the room is to exchange constructive opinions and legitimate arguments among participants regarding any issues and topics both inside and outside Mejiro High School.

The basic rule for this room is
“No Personal Attack nor Humiliation on anybody is permitted”.

I hope this room would provide the readers
with a good opportunity for healthy discussions,
which would enhance the quality of the Mejiro High School chat rooms in general,
and also the opportunity to mutually improve the English communicative competencies.

With best regards,

Mejiro Fan

p.s. As I introduced myself at the early part of the thread “笑える出来事交換”, I am a father of a 6th grader who wishes to enter Mejiro Junior High next year.

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